Archive of articles published on the 22nd of March 2011
Study finds reports of domestic violence rise 10 percent after NFL upsets
Interest in toys predicts effectiveness of autism treatment in toddlers
Study finds that overweight people really are big-boned
Hippocampal volume and resilience in posttramatic stress disorder
Beetle explorers name new species for Roosevelt
Sign language users read words and see signs simultaneously
Report indicates that 'new' welfare reforms hark back to Victorians
Salk scientists crack molecular code regulating neuronal excitability
Good news for meat lovers: Most ready-to-eat meat products contain very few cancerous compounds
Biofilm reorganization: Back to the theoretical drawing board
European coastal pollution is harmful to seals
Gaps in health care limit options for older adults, MU expert says
Queen's University puts over 2,400 food scares under the microscope
Protein could be used to treat alcohol effects on pancreas
Simulating tomorrow's accelerators at near the speed of light
First partial sequencing of an Iberian pig
Carbon capture and storage: Carbon dioxide pressure dissipates in underground reservoirs
Experimental radioprotective drug safe for lung cancer patients, says Pitt study
Developing strategies in a desert watershed that sustain regional water supplies
In the race of life, better an adaptable tortoise than a fit hare
The Pacific oyster is in Sweden to stay
Surprising results in the first genome sequencing of a crustacean
Hannover Messe: 'Good-bye, blind spot' -- man and machine always in view
Cheap catalyst made easy
Nanomodified surfaces seal leg implants against infection
For back, neck pain, artificial disc replacement has cost, outcome advantages over fusion surgery
Protein associated with allergic response causes airway changes in asthma patients
Newly discovered virus implicated in deadly Chinese outbreaks
Conservationists develop coral 'stress test' to identify reefs of hope in climate change era
Wanted: More female managers
Think you'll ace that test? Think again, then start studying
Spinal cord processes information just like areas of the brain
Only the weak survive?: Pitt team adds more give for stronger self-healing materials
Pre-conception and early pregnancy iron deficiency harms brain
WSU proves extracellular matrix tugging creates come hither stimulus for cancer migration
IU study: Smoke-free air law had no effect on off-track betting facility business activity
Tahoe native fish population declines sharply, invasives on the rise
Plant buffers can slow runoff of veterinary antibiotics
Elderly victims of abuse often use alcohol or drugs, study says
More sensitive blood test better at identifying heart attacks
CML patients on imatinib have similar mortality rates to general population
More sensitive test for cardiac biomarker may better identify patients who experienced heart attack
Hydrocortisone therapy for trauma patients associated with reduced hospital-acquired pneumonia risk
Despite uncertain benefit, fibrates commonly used in US, Canada
Metabolic abnormalities in obese teens may relate to poor diets
Load up on fiber now, avoid heart disease later
Report uncovers key trends in water resources research
Research practices must be changed to minimize fraud, deception
Discovery in liver cancer cells provides new target for drugs
Occasional physical, sexual activity associated with short-term increased risk of heart attack
The BCG World Atlas: a world first in the fight against tuberculosis
Scientists discover genetic changes that may predispose women to pre-eclampsia
Genetic errors linked to life-threatening pregnancy disorder
New online resource on Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccine
Specific genetic mutations associated with preeclampsia
Youth at risk for obesity show greater brain activity in response to food
The killer within -- a novel bacterial suicide mechanism
Digital versus analog control over cortical inhibition
Number of child diarrhea deaths can be halved with current interventions
Health bill spells the end of the NHS in England, warn experts
Patients and clinicians must share healthcare decisions, say experts
Restricted working hours have had little effect in US
EU trade deal threatens access to life saving drugs for developing countries
Public satisfaction with the NHS at a record high, says expert
First image of protein residue in 50 million year old reptile skin
Can non-medical factors trigger sick leave?
Envy holds back agricultural development
Rapid etching X-rayed