Archive of articles published on the 6th of March 2011
The connection between a cell's cytoskeleton and its surface receptors
Avoid risking children's health during home energy retrofits, renovations, experts urge
New instrument keeps an 'eye' on nanoparticles
Scripps Research scientists develop new test for 'pluripotent' stem cells
International collaborative identifies 13 new heart-disease-associated gene sites
Leicester leads on heart attack genetic link discovery
New role for an old molecule: protecting the brain from epileptic seizures
Cardiac catheter that can do it all
Newly identified cell population key to immune response
Gene responsible for severe osteoporosis disorder discovered
New gene regions identified that predispose people to heart attacks, Stanford scientists say
Scientists probe the role of motor protein in hearing loss
Re-formulation of microbicidal lubricants will help protect from HIV
Japanese scientists use alcoholic drinks to induce superconductivity
New report helps inform decisions about how science should be funded