Archive of articles published on the 20th of June 2011
Scientist analyzes the nucleus of comet Hartley 2
Atmospheric carbon dioxide buildup unlikely to spark abrupt climate change
Did climate change cause Greenland's ancient Viking community to collapse?
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology: Self-assembling electronic nano-components
Shock and recall: Negative emotion may enhance memory, study finds
Learning from mom boosts low-income kids' school readiness
Study of biomarker development in mice provides a roadmap for a similar approach in humans
Single gene controls development of many forms of polycystic disease
Proteins used to map the aging process
Unexpected function of dyslexia gene
Buzz kills
Diagnosed autism is more common in an IT-rich region
UC research uncovers ancient Mycenaean fortress
Inducing labor is not associated with higher rates of cesarean sections
Improving LED lighting
Study shows high prevalence and severity of childhood food allergy in the US
New study uncovers the dangers of portable pools
Device could improve harvest of stem cells from umbilical cord blood
7 new species of mammals discovered on Luzon
UC research provides prescription for healthier hospital supply chains
Black heart attack patients wait longer for advanced treatment, University of Michigan study shows
Researchers find CDT biomarker ineffective for identifying unhealthy alcohol use
Parents prefer media content ratings system to age-based ratings in new national study
Urinary incontinence doubles risk of postpartum depression
Natural Alzheimer's weapon suggests better treatment
Informal daycare may harm kids' cognitive development, study finds
Need a nap? Find yourself a hammock
No injury spike in Bantam bodychecking
Reducing lifelong disability from sports injuries in children
Bodychecking and the risk of injury in youth ice hockey
Let your fingers do the talking: Sexting and infidelity in cyberspace
Father's Day, Mother's Day -- how about Co-Parents Day?
Poorly coordinated care doubled risk of drug and medical errors in 7 countries
New compact microspectrometer design achieves high resolution and wide bandwidth
Probing the secrets of the ryegrasses
'My dishwasher is trying to kill me'
Salt marsh sediments help gauge climate-change-induced sea level rise
Penn researchers link fastest sea-level rise in 2 millennia to increasing temperatures
Discoveries in mitochondria open new field of cancer research
Iowa State hybrid lab combines technologies to make biorenewable fuels and products
News source may steer perceived solution to childhood obesity
Is coming out always a good thing?
Research reveals that 10 percent of middle-aged Europeans are on antidepressants
3 postulates to help identify the cause of Alzheimer's disease
Adulterated cocaine causing serious skin reactions
Mimicking nature at the nanoscale: Selective transport across a biomimetic nanopore
A genetic factor is linked to long-term success of leg bypass surgery
GPs missing early dementia -- new study
Scientists develop first ever drug to treat 'Celtic gene' in cystic fibrosis sufferers
Panic symptoms increase steadily, not acutely, after stressful event
The myth of the 'queen bee': Work and sexism
Fat substitutes linked to weight gain
Discovery of parathyroid glow promises to reduce endocrine surgery risk
Fastest sea-level rise in 2 millennia linked to increasing global temperatures
Nanoparticles disguised as red blood cells will deliver cancer-fighting drugs
Genius of Einstein, Fourier key to new humanlike computer vision
Picower: 1 skull + 2 brains = 4 objects in mind
New study reveals how the immune system responds to hepatitis A virus
'Smart materials' that make proteins form crystals to boost research into new drugs
Acute Hepatitis A evades immune system more effectively than chronic cousin
Northern Illinois University scientists find simple way to produce graphene
Increase in survival when AED used less than 10 seconds after CPR pause
Bacteria develop restraint for survival in a rock-paper-scissors community
Study compares 2 types of botulinum toxin for cosmetic use
Intranasal corticosteroid treatment appears beneficial for children with obstructive sleep apnea
Analysis of studies evaluates tonsillectomy techniques
In general, hospitals deliver appropriate surgical care to cancer patients with Medicare
In colorectal surgery, risk for blood clots appears higher with open method versus laparoscopy
Millions with peripheral artery disease not getting vital medications
Exercise training program improves outcomes in 'Grinch Syndrome' patients
Shorter pause in CPR before defibrillator use improves cardiac arrest survival
Husband's employment status threatens marriage, but wife's does not, study finds