Archive of articles published on the 7th of June 2011
Irregular breathing can affect accuracy of 4-D PET/CT
Virtual water cannot remedy freshwater shortage
Scientists unlock potential of frog skin to treat cancer
Researchers find that inhibiting microRNAs may help prevent degenerative eye disorders
Joint replacement surgery riskier at hospitals with low surgical volume
New data still have scientists in dark over dark matter
Construction industry has highest number of traumatic brain injuries in US workplace
Teens with type 2 diabetes already show possible signs of impaired heart function
Mammary gland development of blueberry-fed lab animals studied
Women warriors show resilience similar to men
Experts prove link between phosphate intake and heart disease
First of its kind study conducted by BUSM finds women as resilient to combat stress as men
Innovative device for quantum simulations
Excessive pregnancy weight gain raises the risk of having a fat baby
Fetal exposure to BPA changes development of uterus in primates
Many patients with advanced cancers get treatments that won't help
Prolonging life carries more weight
Study finds bankruptcy rates among cancer patients increase along with survival time
Potential treatment for deadly E. coli disease
Researchers discover biochemical weakness of malaria parasite -- vaccine to be developed
Study: What mom thinks matters when it comes to mental illness
Coffee drinking improves hepatitis C treatment response
People judge therapists by their offices, study shows
Will the eel survive its management?
Dolphins use double sonar
Overweight more harmful to the liver than alcohol in middle-aged men
Paved surfaces can foster build-up of polluted air
Using magnets to help prevent heart attacks
Bacteria on old-growth trees may help forests grow
The heat is on for sodium-manganese oxide rechargeable batteries
Glaciations may have larger influence on biodiversity than current climate
Possible first eastern Pacific tropical depression shaping up on NASA imagery
Protein folding made easy
Red-light cameras critical to public safety, MU traffic researcher finds
Older age does not cause testosterone levels to decline in healthy men
Smithsonian study: Stranding records are faithful reflection of live whale and dolphin populations
Your attention please: 'Rewarding' objects can't be ignored
Apple peel makes mice mighty
Study links insulin action on brain's reward circuitry to obesity
Apple ingredient keeps muscles strong
Native ants use chemical weapons to turn back invading Argentine ants
Health care providers need training to recognize signs of domestic violence, says nursing expert
Development of a FRET sensor for real-time imaging of intracellular redox dynamics
Dangerous and under the radar
NASA sees a hot tower in first tropical depression of the eastern Pacific
Air quality worsened by paved surfaces
Drug shows promise in prostate cancer spread to bone
NASA sees the sun having a solar blast
GPS stations can detect clandestine nuclear tests
Einstein offers easy-to-use genome analyzer to scientific community
Bursitis a common cause of painful hips, knees, heels and elbows
Universal flu vaccine clinical trials show promise
'Wrong'-time eating reduces fertility in fruit flies
NASA's solar dynamics observatory catches 'surfer' waves on the sun
UCSF finds new bee viruses, offers baseline to study colony collapse
Finnish twin study yields new information on how fat cells cope with obesity
Mapping anemia risk in preschool-age children in West Africa
Bone cancer, from the lab to the clinic
University of Iowa researchers identify caffeine-consuming bacterium