Archive of articles published on the 15th of July 2011
Cod mislabeling 4 times more prevalent in Ireland than UK, study shows
Swarms of locusts use social networking to communicate
Research links telomere length to emphysema risk
Graphene gives up more of its secrets
Pity the boss man
Loss of large predators caused widespread disruption of ecosystems
Natural chemical found in grapes may protect against Alzheimer's disease
New technique boosts efficiency of blood cell production from human stem cells
Penn vet researchers show lymphoma drug shrinks dog tumors, could lead to human treatment
Mayo researchers: Genetic mutation linked to Parkinson's disease
Children with public health insurance less likely to receive comprehensive primary care
OHSU scientists discover new role for vitamin C in the eye -- and the brain
Research reveals dynamics behind magical thinking and charismatic leadership
USC researchers explore the source of empathy in the brain
U.Va.'s Pfister accomplishes breakthrough toward quantum computing
Nursing home residents at heightened risk of falling in the days following
NASA's Aura satellite measures pollution 'butterfly' from fires in central Africa
Discovery opens new options for improving transfusions
When minor planets Ceres and Vesta rock the Earth into chaos
Machines to compare notes online?
'Swine flu' breath test could reduce future vaccination shortages, research suggests
New gene for intellectual disability discovered
A manganite changes its stripes
Fossil forensics reveals how wasps populated rotting dinosaur eggs