Archive of articles published on the 18th of July 2011
'Love your body' to lose weight
Genetic research confirms that non-Africans are part Neanderthal
NYU Langone Medical Center's tip sheet to the 2011 Alzheimer's Association International Conference
UT Southwestern research reveals that significantly more genetic mutations lead to colon cancer
Trastuzumab and chemotherapy improved survival in HER2-postive breast and brain cancer patients
Retired NFL players at higher risk for mild cognitive impairment
6 new species of Eucalantica micro-moths discovered from the New World
Personality plays role in body weight, according to study
Fewer verbs and nouns in financial reporting could predict stock market bubble, study shows
Keeping it together
Researchers identify how a gene linked to both Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes works
Making blood-sucking deadly for mosquitoes
Cancer stem cells recruit normal stem cells to fuel ovarian cancer, U-M study finds
Study of soil effects from March 11 Japan earthquake could improve building design
Newly developed fluorescent protein makes internal organs visible
World's forests' role in carbon storage immense, profound
The face of a frog: Time-lapse video reveals never-before-seen bioelectric pattern
Steps needed to ensure that home medical devices are easy-to-use and caregivers are well-trained
Face value
MIT: The tallest tree in the land
Heated AFM tip allows direct fabrication of ferroelectric nanostructures on plastic
Thalidomide analog appears worthy opponent of sickle cell disease
Value of hospital environmental services linked to efficiency not expenses
Structure helps new employees adjust, study finds
Tumor suppressor protein is a key regulator of immune response and balance
Adult day care services provide much-needed break to family caregivers
New contrast agents detect bacterial infections with high sensitivity and specificity
Click chemistry with copper -- a biocompatible version
AMPK amplifies Huntington's disease
Penn study finds a genetic basis for muscle endurance in animal study
Personalized medicine
Married men seek treatment sooner for heart attacks
Research identifies genes vital to preventing childhood leukemia
New therapy provides hope for millions of people suffering from bowel incontinence
Grand Cayman blue iguana: Back from the brink of extinction
Preschool-age kids in different countries improve academically using self-regulation game
Solar Panels Keep Buildings Cool
IADR/AADR publish study on use of Twitter for public health surveillance of dental pain
New anti-cancer agents show promise for treating aggressive breast cancers
WHOI scientists analyze, explain the chemical makeup of Gulf plume
Deep below the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Exposure to secondhand smoke associated with hearing loss in adolescents
Another danger of secondhand smoke -- hearing loss
Experimental drug raises 'good' cholesterol, may help control diabetes
Rapid venom evolution in pit vipers may be defensive
Chloroquine finding may lead to treatments for arthritis, cancer and other diseases
8-question survey can help predict post-traumatic stress disorder
Juvenile diarrhea virus analyzed
Cadmium selenide quantum dots degrade in soil, releasing their toxic guts, study finds
Esophageal cancer risk higher in medically treated GERD patients with fewest symptoms
Researchers describe outcomes of surgical procedure to treat neck muscle problems
Melanoma screening by physicians associated with finding more cancers than patient self-detection
Study examines relationship of acculturation with sun-safe behaviors of US Latinos
Soy/milk protein dietary supplements linked to lower blood pressure
Key metabolic pathway implicated in intractable form of breast cancer
Decisions, decisions, decisions ...
USC research: Cancer cells and stem cells share same origin
IBD, LCPD health research in 'Westie' dogs may hold answers to similar human diseases
Report reviews incorrect surgical procedures at Veterans Health Administration facilities
Study examines factors in pediatric kidney transplant rejection
Surgeons' civility in operating room benefits patients, reduces costs, Cedars-Sinai expert finds
UCLA study shows bacteria use Batman-like grappling hooks to 'slingshot' on surfaces
Hydrogen may be key to growth of high-quality graphene
Penn researchers find neural signature of 'mental time travel'
Single traumatic brain injury may prompt long-term neurodegeneration
Screening new colon cancer patients for Lynch syndrome would be cost-effective, study shows
HIV therapies provide near normal lifespan in Africa
Chinese culture encourages binge drinking in middle-aged men