Archive of articles published on the 4th of July 2011
IASLC: Adjunctive use of 3-D imaging system increases utility of CT lung cancer screening
Could ovarian stimulation cause an increase in oocyte chromosome abnormalities?
Biofuels from the sea
Antarctic krill help to fertilize Southern Ocean with iron
Smokers using varenicline to quit the habit at greater risk of heart attack
Chantix associated with 72 percent increased risk of serious CV events
Varenicline for smoking cessation linked to increased risk of serious harmful cardiac events
Genetic variant linked to development of liver cancer in hepatitis C virus carriers
Overlooked peptide reveals clues to causes of Alzheimer's disease
Urban children are healthier commuters than rural teens
Study finds pregnancy and birth environment may affect development of autism in twins
Study of twins suggests genetic component of autism spectrum disorders may be moderate
Balance tips toward environment as heritability ebbs in autism?
Patients with eating disorders have an elevated rate of death
Prenatal exposure to certain antidepressants may modestly increase risk of autism spectrum disorders
Study examines trends in withholding treatment for infants in neonatal intensive care units
In homes with substantiated child abuse reports, study identifies groups at higher risk for reabuse
Exposure to anti-depressants in pregnancy may increase autism risk
Getting aid to where it is needed
Biomarker MIA shows presence of neurofibromas
Specialized seeds can really float your boat
Study shows answers for treating obesity-related diseases may reside in fat tissue
Length of parental military deployment associated with children's mental health diagnoses
Massage eases low back pain in randomized controlled trial
Embargoed news from Annals of Internal Medicine