Archive of articles published on the 5th of August 2011
New Montana State research sheds light on South Pole dinosaurs
University of Virginia researchers uncover new catalysis site
Potential new eye tumor treatment discovered
Hang out at the water cooler, live longer
B-cell discovery suggests why women suffer more autoimmune disease
Use of a retroflexion technique during colonoscopy in the right side of the colon improves polyp detection
Assumptions, not data, dictate opinions about predictive genetic testing in youth
Potato trials and research provide grower information
McLean Hospital study shows religious beliefs impact levels of worry
Mars' northern polar regions in transition
Gazpacho ingredients lose vitamin C during preparation
No treatment is the best treatment -- diarrhea in young foals
Mindless eating: Losing weight without thinking
Weight loss improves sexual health of overweight men with diabetes
Ocean probes to help refine climate change forecasting
UCLA study shows man-made fat may limit damage to heart attack victims
Sea lampreys fear the smell of death
What parasites eat is the key to better drug design
Human influence on the 21st century climate: 1 possible future for the atmosphere
Prescriptions for antidepressants increasing among individuals with no psychiatric diagnosis
Fusion diagnostic developed at PPPL sheds light on plasma behavior at EAST
Rice discovery points way to graphene circuits
Study suggests increase in public health spending results in healthier people
What shapes a bone?
Right to remain silent not understood by many suspects
Michigan State scholar leads effort to reform genetics instruction
Scientist urges government ruling on genetically engineered salmon