Archive of articles published on the 21st of September 2011
Infant mortality linked to subsequent risk of stillbirth finds new US study
New hybrid carbon material discovered
Human genetics study identifies the most common cause of ALS and dementia
Researchers discover how 'promiscuous parasites' hijack host immune cells
Toward an improved test for adulterated heparin
Rhode Island Hospital looks more closely at personality disorders
Information technologies foster freedom or reinforce repression
Catching molecular motion at just the right time
Racing against time
Study identifies risk factors for complications after spine surgery
Stressed and strapped: Caregivers for friends, relatives suffer emotional and financial strain
Scientists play ping-pong with single electrons
Is the 'longevity gene' nearing the end of its life?
Advice To divorcees: Go easy on yourself
CSI: Microbial version without PCR
Team creates genetic 'GPS' system to comprehensively locate and track inhibitory nerve cells
Hedging your bets: How the brain makes decisions based on related information
Zinc regulates communication between brain cells
Researchers' chance viewing of river cutoff forming provides rare insight
New analysis suggests Civil War took bigger toll than previously estimated
Smells may help birds find their homes, avoid inbreeding
Extent of peer social networks influences onset of adolescent alcohol consumption
Fear of childbirth increases likelihood of C-section
Allowing native language in school benefits Mexican-American students, University of Missouri researcher finds
Air quality has continued to improve in Finnish Lapland
Marijuana administration after a traumatic experience prevents post-traumatic stress symptoms
Increased responsibility could lead to decreased sexual activity among women
Humor as effective as medication in treating agitation in dementia
Climatic fluctuations drove key events in human evolution