Archive of articles published on the 24th of May 2012
IUDs, implants most effective birth control
El Niño weather and climate change threaten survival of baby leatherback sea turtles
Researchers find a way to delay aging of stem cells
Deep sea animals stowaway on submarines and reach new territory
Commonly used pesticide turns honey bees into 'picky eaters'
Chronic pain is relieved by cell transplantation in lab study
Exotic particles, chilled and trapped, form giant matter wave
Newly modified nanoparticle opens window on future gene editing technologies
LiDAR technology reveals faults near Lake Tahoe
Nuisance seaweed found to produce compounds with biomedical potential
DNA evidence shows that marine reserves help to sustain fisheries
Nanoparticles seen as artificial atoms
'Metamaterials,' quantum dots show promise for new technologies
Discarded data may hold the key to a sharper view of molecules
Organic carbon from Mars, but not biological
New discoveries about severe malaria
Pivotal role for proteins -- from helping turn carbs into energy to causing devastating disease
Relatively speaking: Researchers identify principles that shape kinship categories across languages
Autopsy of a eruption: Linking crystal growth to volcano seismicity
Gourmet butterflies speed north
Asteroid nudged by sunlight: Most precise measurement of Yarkovsky effect