Archive of articles published on the 17th of July 2012
Open for business: Open access journals reaching the same scientific impact as subscription journals
Glacier break creates ice island 2 times the size of Manhattan
Online self-diagnosis: Am I having a heart attack or is it just the hiccups?
3-D motion of cold virus offers hope for improved drugs using Australia's fastest supercomputer
Man-made pores mimic important features of natural pores
Study: Children abused by parents face increased cancer risk
Stanford researchers calculate global health impacts of the Fukushima nuclear disaster
Frog calls inspire a new algorithm for wireless networks
Autonomous robot maps ship hulls for mines
'Sifting' liquid at the molecular level
Glyphosate-resistant 'superweeds' may be less susceptible to diseases
Report focuses on sustainability of infectious disease surveillance
World record: Scientists from northern Germany produce the lightest material in the world
The electric atmosphere: Plasma is next NASA science target
Calculations reveal fine line for hydrogen release from storage materials
Helping pigs to digest phosphorus
Vitamin E may lower liver cancer risk
Mothers who give birth to large infants at increased risk for breast cancer