Archive of articles published on the 22nd of August 2012
Marine species at risk unless drastic protection policies put in place
Self-charging power cell converts and stores energy in a single unit
Green tea compound shows promise for tackling cancer
Natural regeneration building urban forests, altering species composition
Better monitoring of food quantity makes self-control easier
Ancient fossils reveal how the mollusc got its teeth
Losing stream in our battle to predict and prevent invasive species
Super-strong, high-tech material found to be toxic to aquatic animals
Future memory
Ready. Get set. Repress!
New climate history adds to understanding of recent Antarctic Peninsula warming
Sky-high methane mystery closer to being solved, UCI researchers say
U OF A expert pinpoints nutrient behind fresh water algae blooms
University of Colorado analysis of election factors points to Romney win
Elusive metal discovered
ORNL researchers probe invisible vacancies in fuel cell materials
Survival without water: A key trait of an aquatic invader to spread
Northwestern scientists create chemical brain
Iowa State, Ames Lab researchers study the structure of drug resistance in tuberculosis
Native landscaping in urban areas can help native birds
Self-awareness in humans is more complex, diffuse than previously thought
Parasitic wasps remember better if reward is greater
Traumatic mating may offer fitness benefits for female sea slugs
In Fiji, marine protection gets local boost
Weight-loss surgery results in positive changes in social life, medical conditions
University of East Anglia breakthrough boosts bacterial understanding