Archive of articles published on the 23rd of August 2012
Key to burning fat faster discovered
Intense prep for law school admission test alters brain structure
Primate of the opera: What soprano singing apes on helium reveal about the human voice
Prostate cancer survival rates improved since introduction of PSA testing
Cloud control could tame hurricanes, study shows
The Milky Way now has a twin (or 2)
No-till could help maintain crop yields despite climate change
Underground solution to starving rice plants
1-molecule-thick material has big advantages
Scientists produce H2 for fuel cells using an inexpensive catalyst under real-world conditions
Spacetime: A smoother brew than we knew
Sensor detects glucose in saliva and tears for diabetes testing
Past tropical climate change linked to ocean circulation, says Texas A&M team
More clues about why chimps and humans are genetically different
Supernovae of the same brightness, cut from vastly different cosmic cloth
Video-gaming fish play out the advantages of groups
'Naked Darth Vader' approach could tame antibiotic resistant superbugs
New survey of ocean floor finds juvenile scallops are abundant in Mid-Atlantic
Nanoparticles reboot blood flow in brain
March Madness brings September students
AGU: Link found between cold European winters and solar activity
For juvenile moose, momma's boys and girls fare best
How to feed data-hungry mobile devices? Use more antennas
How does body temperature reset the biological clock?
Engineers achieve longstanding goal of stable nanocrystalline metals
Foreclosures impact California voter turnout
Histone-modifying proteins, not histones, remain associated with DNA through replication
Novel technique to synthesize nanocrystals that harvest solar energy