Archive of articles published on the 14th of January 2013
Pill-sized device provides rapid, detailed imaging of esophageal lining
New discovery in autism-related disorder reveals key mechanism in brain development and disease
2 new studies show why biodiversity is important for pollination services in California almond
30 percent of teen girls report meeting offline with someone they met online
Global warming has increased monthly heat records by a factor of 5
NRL designs multi-junction solar cell to break efficiency barrier
Using lysine estimates to detect heat damage in DDGS
Social networks may inflate self-esteem, reduce self-control
Chimpanzees successfully play the Ultimatum Game
4,000-year-old shaman's stones discovered near Boquete, Panama
Will changes in climate wipe out mammals in Arctic and sub-Arctic areas?
Salmon runs boom, go bust over centuries
Potential harvest of most fish stocks largely unrelated to abundance
MBL scientists find 'bipolar' marine bacteria, refuting 'everything is everywhere' idea
Rice researchers see surprising twist to protein misfolding
Parkinson's treatment can trigger creativity
New sunspots producing space weather
CU-led study shows pine beetle outbreak buffers watersheds from nitrate pollution
Scientists discover structure of protein essential for quality control, nerve function