Archive of articles published on the 15th of October 2013
Stepping out in style: Toward an artificial leg with a natural gait
McMaster researchers 'fish new pond' for antibiotics
Football-shaped particles bolster the body's defense against cancer
Quantum conductors benefit from growth on smooth foundations
Illinois river otters exposed to chemicals banned decades ago
Device speeds concentration step in food-pathogen detection
New analysis of US elementary school mathematics finds half-century of problematic 'strands' structure
Study: Renewable fuel standard needs to be modified, not repealed
Newly discovered mechanism propels micromotors
Why do discounts backfire when you make consumers wait?
Mammalian body cells lack ancient viral defense mechanism, find UT scientists
Climate change creates complicated consequences for North America's forests
What makes telenovelas so popular?
Women leave their handprints on the cave wall
Home away from home: What makes consumers support their favorite businesses?
AP-NORC survey: Working longer -- older Americans' attitudes on work and retirement
Unearthed: A treasure trove of jewel-like beetles
How do consumers see a product when they hear music?
How tiny organisms make a big impact on clean water
Size matters in the giant magnetoresistance effect in semiconductors
2013 Ocean Health Index shows food provision remains an area of great concern
Birth gets the brain ready to sense the world
An optical switch based on a single nano-diamond
Mayo Clinic study: Teachers more likely to have progressive speech and language disorders
Dartmouth study shows difference in cognitive ability between low-income rural, urban children
Adult stem cells help build human blood vessels in engineered tissues
Adding citrus fiber to meatballs improves nutritional quality, does not affect taste
Zoomable holograms pave the way for versatile, portable projectors
World ocean systems undermined by climate change by 2100