Archive of articles published on the 13th of November 2013
Using airport screening technology to visualize waves in fusion plasma
Houston area survey: African-Americans are the most likely to value postsecondary education
Study finds aerobic exercise improves memory, brain function and physical fitness
Putting the brakes on immunity
Largest lake in Britain and Ireland has lost three-quarters of winter water birds
New generation of micro sensors for monitoring ocean acidification
'Missing heat' discovery prompts new estimate of global warming
Musical training shapes brain anatomy and affects function
Structure of bacterial nanowire protein hints at secrets of conduction
Social networks make us smarter
Astronomers reveal contents of mysterious black hole jets
Don't hold the anchovies: Study shows Peruvian fish worth more as food than as feed
Lignin-feasting microbe holds promise for biofuels
Feral cats avoid urban coyotes, are surprisingly healthy
Snow melts faster under trees than in open areas in mild climates
Fantastic phonons: Blocking sound, channeling heat with 'unprecedented precision'
ORNL study uses neutron scattering, supercomputing to demystify forces at play in biofuel production
New way to dissolve semiconductors holds promise for electronics industry
Improving detection of radioactive material in nuclear waste water
Nature's glowing slime: Scientists peek into hidden sea worm's light
Queen bee's honesty is the best policy for reproduction signals
Squeeze and you shall measure -- squeezed coherent states shown to be optimal for gravitational wave
Carbon dioxide's new-found signalling role could be applied to blood flow, birth and deafness
Island biodiversity in danger of total submersion with climate change
Smartphone accelerometers distinguish between different motorized transportation modalities
Generation length for mammals: An essential reference point for conservation studies
Buried leaves reveal precolonial eastern forests and guide stream restoration
Tossed on the waves: Charting the path of ejected particles
Building a better tokamak by blowing giant plasma bubbles
Deletion of any single gene provokes mutations elsewhere in the genome
Early uses of chili peppers in Mexico
Expert assessment: Ocean acidification may increase 170 percent this century