Archive of articles published on the 5th of November 2013
New strep throat risk score brings patient data and big data together to potentially reduce unnecess
Video: Knife-wielding robot trains for grocery checkout job using new coactive learning technique
The oldest ice core
Hurricane Sandy's impact measured by millions of Flickr pictures
How pigeons may smell their way home
The next big thing in the energy sector: Photovoltaic generated DC electricity
New findings could overcome major stumbling blocks to tissue cryopreservation for medical care
Scientists use light to uncover the cause of sickle cell disease
Drug combination therapy causes cancer cells to 'eat themselves'
New aluminum alloy stores hydrogen
Penn researchers identify molecular link between gut microbes and intestinal health
Muggings more than double in London after dark
Clay may have been birthplace of life, new study suggests
Staying alive in the high and dry
New ligament discovered in the human knee
Bringing out the best in X-ray crystallography data
Carbon storage recovers faster than plant biodiversity in re-growing tropical forests