Archive of articles published on the 7th of November 2013
Kids who sleep more, may eat less, new study finds
Saddling up against the threat to our National Parks
Dartmouth researchers shed new light on dark energy, cosmic speed-up
Educational video games can boost motivation to learn, NYU, CUNY study shows
Programmed nanoparticles organize themselves into highly complex nanostructures
Clotting protein hardens aging hearts
A bio patch that can regrow bone
'Tearless' onions could help in the fight against cardiovascular disease, weight gain
Burning biomass pellets instead of wood or plants in China could lower mercury emissions
School violence lowers test scores, not grades
Nuclear medicine therapy increases survival for patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases
When is a comet not a comet?
Fountain-of-youth gene repairs tissue damage in adults
Addicts may be seeking relief from emotional lows more than euphoric highs
Defining allergy fact from fiction
If a tree falls in Brazil…? Amazon deforestation could mean droughts for western US
Crown of Venezuelan paramos: A new species from the daisy family, Coespeletia palustris
1 worm, 2 mouths
Why stem cells need to stick with their friends
Babies named for fathers but not mothers reflect US cultural ideologies
Plant cell architecture: Growth toward a light source
Preparing for hell and high water
Hartz IV reform did not reduce unemployment in Germany
Researchers suggest plan to address hypoxia in Gulf of Mexico
White-lipped peccary trails lead to archeological discovery in Brazil
Wireless device converts 'lost' energy into electric power
Exploring public perceptions of future wearable computing
The Carolina hammerhead, a new species of shark, debuts
Solar activity playing a minimal role in global warming, research suggests
UT Southwestern researchers identify how body clock affects inflammation
Artificial heart to pump human waste into future robots