Archive of articles published on the 19th of December 2013
Total smoking bans work best
New study reveals the biomechanics of how marine snail larvae swim
Lemur babies of older moms less likely to get hurt
Messages sent via molecules can aid communication underground, underwater or inside the body
Big data project reveals where carbon-stocking projects in Africa provide the greatest benefits
Study finds Catalina Island Conservancy contraception program effectively manages bison population
Diet rich in tomatoes may lower breast cancer risk
A mathematical perspective of seasonal variations in Lyme disease transmission
Electron 'antenna' tunes in to physics beyond Higgs
The origin of flowers: DNA of storied plant provides insight into the evolution of flowering plants
'Universal ripple' could hold the secret to high-temperature superconductivity
Controlling parasitic worms with genetic selection
New data compression method reduces big-data bottleneck; outperforms, enhances JPEG
Survey reveals regulatory agencies viewed as unprepared for nanotechnology
Data are lost to science at 'astonishing rate'
Telecoupling science shows China's forest sustainability packs global impact
Mating is the kiss of death for certain female worms
Landscape architecture study places value on Klyde Warren Park, other urban spaces
A micro-muscular breakthrough