Archive of articles published on the 1st of February 2013
Sequencing hundreds of chloroplast genomes now possible
Ozone depletion trumps greenhouse gas increase in jet-stream shift
The effective collective: Grouping could ensure animals find their way in a changing environment
A possible answer for protection against chemical/biological agents, fuel leaks, and coffee stains
Flat boron by the numbers
NASA's SDO provides first sightings of how a CME forms
Target 'super-spreaders' to stop hepatitis C
Gut microbes at root of severe malnutrition in kids
Planting trees may not reverse climate change but it will help locally
Salk scientists use Amazon Cloud to view molecular machinery in remarkable detail
How do corals survive in the hottest reefs on the planet?
Genetically modified tobacco plants produce antibodies to treat rabies
If you are impulsive, take modafinil and count to 10
Programming cells: The importance of the envelope
Can plants be altruistic? You bet, says new CU-Boulder-led study
Cats and humans suffer from similar forms of epilepsy
New protocol recommendations for measuring soil organic carbon sequestration
Routes towards defect-free graphene
The nanomechanical signature of breast cancer
Listening to cells: Scientists probe human cells with high-frequency sound
Imaging unveils temperature distribution inside living cells
Tracking the evolution of antibiotic resistance
Cooperators can coexist with cheaters, as long as there is room to grow
Quantum dots deliver Vitamin D to tumors for possible inflammatory breast cancer treatment