Archive of articles published on the 11th of February 2013
New genes for short-sightedness identified
Birds evolved ultraviolet vision several times
Exercise linked with reduced prostate cancer risk in Caucasians but not African-Americans
Cell circuits remember their history
Researchers find Asian needle ants displacing other aggressive invaders
Can simple measures of labile soil organic matter predict corn performance?
Stem cell breakthrough could lead to new bone repair therapies on nanoscale surfaces
Visualizing biological networks in 4-D
A new Harvard report probes security risks of extreme weather and climate change
Lack of energy an enemy to antibiotic-resistant microbes
Researchers strain to improve electrical material and it's worth it
Artificial atoms allow for magnetic resonance on individual cells
Tree die-off triggered by hotter temperatures
Sunlight stimulates release of climate-warming gas from melting Arctic permafrost
Chemistry trick kills climate controversy
Computerized 'Rosetta Stone' reconstructs ancient languages
Newly identified natural protein blocks HIV, other deadly viruses
Carnegie Mellon analysis shows online songwriters seek collaborators with complementary skills
Large, ancient landslides delivered preferred upstream habitats for coho salmon