Archive of articles published on the 18th of February 2013
Key to cleaner environment may be right beneath our feet
Dopants dramatically alter electronic structure of superconductor
'Snooze button' on biological clocks improves cell adaptability
'Activating' RNA takes DNA on a loop through time and space
Food science expert: Genetically modified crops are overregulated
Rice University analysis links ozone levels, cardiac arrest
Ancient teeth bacteria record disease evolution
Slithering towards extinction
Wild plants are infected with many viruses and still thrive
Statistics help clear fog for better climate change picture
Not your conventional nucleic acids
Mussel-inspired 'glue' for surgical repair and cancer drug delivery
Going negative: Stanford scientists explore new technologies that remove atmospheric CO2
Excessive TV in childhood linked to long-term antisocial behaviour
A solution to sinusitis from the sea
The role of goop: Research shows pollution doesn't change the rate of droplet formation