Archive of articles published on the 19th of February 2013
Reduced sea ice disturbs balance of greenhouse gases
Not just cars, but living organisms need antifreeze to survive
How the whale got its teeth
Subordinate animals as guinea pigs
New material interface improves functioning of non-silicon-based electronic devices
New projections of 'uneven' global sea-level rise
Ancient fossilized sea creatures yield oldest biomolecules isolated directly from a fossil
Phosphorus starvation linked to symptoms of citrus disease Huanglongbing in new study
Nesting site protection 'key to save turtles from climate change'
New evidence for link between depression and heart disease
Theory of crystal formation complete again
Researchers create semiconductor 'nano-shish-kebabs' with potential for 3-D technologies
Russian fireball largest ever detected by CTBTO's infrasound sensors
New study shows how seals sleep with only half their brain at a time
Lake-effect snow sometimes needs mountains
Mutant champions save imperiled species from almost-certain extinction
That's the way the droplets adhere
How predictable is evolution?
Language protein differs in males, females
IU research: Rock-paper-scissors a parable for cycles in finance, fashion, politics and more
Radio telescope, GPS use ionosphere to detect nuclear tests
When it comes to genetic code, researchers prove optimum isn't always best
Raw meat diet may not be enough for cats (or tigers)
Quick, efficient chip cleans up common flaws in amateur photographs
Males' superior spatial ability likely is not an evolutionary adaptation
New scorpion discovery near metropolitan Tucson, Arizona
'Growing' medicines in plants requires new regulations
Data paper describes Antarctic biodiversity data gathered by 90 expeditions since 1956
Newt transcriptome offers insight into tissue regeneration
Genetic variation controls predation: Benefits of being a mosaic
Exposure to air pollution is associated with increased deaths after heart attacks