Archive of articles published on the 20th of May 2013
Lovelorn frogs bag closest crooner
Archaeological genetics: It's not all as old as it at first seems
Fossil brain teaser
Slow earthquakes: It's all in the rock mechanics
Penn research makes advance in nanotech gene sequencing technique
1 in 10 teens using 'study drugs,' but parents aren't paying attention
Why we need to put the fish back into fisheries
Not just blowing in the wind: Compressing air for renewable energy storage
Penn engineers' nanoantennas improve infrared sensing
Kinks and curves at the nanoscale
Heat-related deaths in Manhattan projected to rise
RNA capable of catalyzing electron transfer on early earth with iron's help, study says
Amazon River exhales virtually all carbon taken up by rain forest
Researchers perform fastest measurements ever made of ion channel proteins
Iron-platinum alloys could be new-generation hard drives
Parasitic wasps use calcium pump to block fruit fly immunity
Principles of locomotion in confined spaces could help robot teams work underground
UC Davis engineers create on-wetting fabric drains sweat
Gym class reduces probability of obesity, study finds for first time
Bed sharing leads to fivefold increase in risk of cot death for babies whose parents do not smoke