Archive of articles published on the 23rd of May 2013
Scientists announce Top 10 New Species
What the smallest infectious agents reveal about evolution
New cave-dwelling arachnids discovered in Brazil
Captive-bred wallabies may carry antibiotic resistant bacteria into wild populations
Ants and carnivorous plants conspire for mutualistic feeding
University of Wisconsin chemists find new compounds to curb staph infection
UBC engineer helps pioneer flat spray-on optical lens
Milwaukee-York researchers forward quest for quantum computing
Biochemistry: Unspooling DNA from nucleosomal disks
Novel approach for influenza vaccination shows promise in early animal testing
White tiger mystery solved
Syracuse University professor argues Earth's mantle affects long-term sea-level rise estimates
A quantum simulator for magnetic materials
Scientists offer first definitive proof of bacteria-feeding behavior in green algae
Researchers identify new target to boost plant resistance to insects and pathogens
New screening approach uncovers potential alternative drug therapies for neuroblastoma
Gold nanocrystal vibration captured on billion-frames-per-second film
Accurate distance measurement resolves major astronomical mystery
NIH scientists discover molecule triggers sensation of itch
Multiple research teams unable to confirm high-profile Alzheimer's study
Reforestation study shows trade-offs between water, carbon and timber
Bittersweet: Bait-averse cockroaches shudder at sugar
Hubble reveals the Ring Nebula's true shape
Scientists develop powerful new method for finding therapeutic antibodies
Cradle turns smartphone into handheld biosensor
King Richard III found in 'untidy lozenge-shaped grave'
UEA scientists make breast cancer advance that turns previous thinking on its head