Archive of articles published on the 29th of May 2013
Driving and hands-free talking lead to spike in errors: UAlberta study
Advanced paper could be foundation for inexpensive biomedical and diagnostic devices
A statistical model predicts the number of goals for each footballer
Flexible opals
Re-creating the original colors of treasured ivory carvings from the ancient past
Charred micro-bunny sculpture shows promise of new material for 3-D shaping
Operative death rates higher at weekend, warn researchers
NRL geochemistry survey at Chatham Rise reveals absence of modern day greenhouse gas emissions
Men, women lie about sex to match gender expectations
Twitter may become less interactive and more an advertising broadcast medium like TV or radio
Recovery of Hawaiian green sea turtles still short of historic levels, Stanford-led study suggests
Genetic engineering alters mosquitoes' sense of smell
Arctic current flowed under deep freeze of last ice age, study says
Team finds gene that helps honey bees find flowers (and get back home)
Improving 'crop per drop' could boost global food security and water sustainability
Changing gut bacteria through diet affects brain function, UCLA study shows
Stanford scientists develop high-efficiency zinc-air battery
Putting the brakes on distracted driving