Archive of articles published on the 30th of May 2013
More precision from less predictability: A new quantum trade-off
More at-risk bird species in Brazilian forest than previously thought
Thermal limit for animal life redefined by first lab study of deep-sea vent worms
Brain activity in sleep may impact emotional disturbances in children with ADHD
Apes get emotional over games of chance
Big feet preference in rural Indonesia defies one-size-fits-all theory of attractiveness
New mathematical model links space-time theories
NTU invention allows clear photos in dim light
Small dams on Chinese river harm environment more than expected, study finds
MRSA study slashes deadly infections in sickest hospital patients
Forest and soil carbon is important but does not offset fossil fuel emissions
New single virus detection techniques for faster disease diagnosis
People can 'beat' guilt detection tests by suppressing incriminating memories
Scientists find chemical that causes 'kidney' failure in mosquitoes
How the turtles got their shells
When friends create enemies
Smithsonian scientists discover that rainforests take the heat
Atom by atom, bond by bond, a chemical reaction caught in the act
Global warming caused by CFCs, not carbon dioxide, study says
Team solves one of the moon's mysteries
Biologists take snapshot of fleeting protein process
Climate change threatens extinction for 82 percent of California native fish