Archive of articles published on the 10th of June 2013
Potentially 'catastrophic' changes underway in Canada's northern Mackenzie River Basin: report
Self-fertilizing plants contribute to their own demise
Mice give new clues to origins of OCD
Study reveals leakage of carbon from land to rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal regions
The secret life of knots
When will my computer understand me?
Mysterious monument found beneath the Sea of Galilee
Research shows river dredging reduced fish numbers, diversity
Designated drivers don't always abstain, UF study finds
New study proposes solution to long-running debate as to how stable the Earth system is
Simple theory may explain mysterious dark matter
The body electric: Researchers move closer to low-cost, implantable electronics
How similar are the gestures of apes and human infants? More than you might suspect
How similar are the gestures of apes and human infants? More than you might suspect
Testing artificial photosynthesis
Whitebark pine trees: Is their future at risk?
Pendulum swings back on 350-year-old mathematical mystery
The diabetes 'breathalyzer'
Shape of nanoparticles points the way toward more targeted drugs
To germinate, or not to germinate, that is the question…
Unfrozen mystery: H2O reveals a new secret
How does inbreeding avoidance evolve in plants?
Amount of dust blown across the West is increasing, says CU-Boulder study
African starlings: Dashing darlings of the bird world in more ways than 1
Bridge species drive tropical engine of biodiversity
Pollinators easily enhanced by flowering agri-environment schemes
From hot springs to HIV, same protein complexes are hijacked to promote viruses
Association between hypoglycemia, dementia in older adults with diabetes