Archive of articles published on the 11th of June 2013
New study finds females play active, pivotal role in postcopulatory processes
'Popcorn' particle pathways promise better lithium-ion batteries
New means to communicate population risk assessments among scientists and decision-makers
Plunging fish numbers linked to dam releases
Partial livers from deceased donors saving the lives of infants
Nanofiber sensor detects diabetes or lung cancer faster and easier
You're so vain: U-M study links social media and narcissism
Identification of animal disease-transmission agents based on social networks tools
Polymer structures serve as 'nanoreactors' for nanocrystals with uniform sizes, shapes
Moon radiation findings may reduce health risks to astronauts
Caregiving dads treated disrespectfully at work, new study finds
Tillage and reduced-input rotations affect runoff from agricultural fields
Chlamydia protein has an odd structure, scientists find
Cloud computing user privacy in serious need of reform, scholars say
Video gamers really do see more
Do parasites upset food web theory?