Archive of articles published on the 12th of June 2013
New kind of variable star discovered
New tasks become as simple as waving a hand with brain-computer interfaces
Fingernails reveal clues to limb regeneration
Chalking up a marine blooming alga: Genome fills a gap in the tree of life
Moving iron in Antarctica
Livermore develops the world's deepest ert imaging system for CO2 sequestration
Life underground
Lab experiments question effectiveness of green coffee bean weight-loss supplements
Filmmaking magic with polymers
Saliva proteins may protect older people from influenza
An ultrasensitive molybdenum-based image sensor
New quantum dot technique combines best of optical and electron microscopy
Rapid adaptation is purple sea urchins' weapon against ocean acidification
Does altitude affect the way language is spoken?
Turtles watch for, snack on gelatinous prey while swimming
Scan predicts whether therapy or meds will best lift depression
Harbor porpoises can thank their worst enemy, the killer whale for their success
Fossil kangaroo teeth reveal mosaic of Pliocene ecosystems in Queensland
A critically endangered beauty: The passion flower Passiflora kwangtungensis
Discovery of new material state counterintuitive to laws of physics