Archive of articles published on the 13th of June 2013
'Self-cleaning' pollution-control technology could do more harm than good, study suggests
DNA brings materials to life
Light-carved 'nano-volcanoes' hold promise for drug delivery
Sleep mechanism identified that plays role in emotional memory
Oysters could rebound more quickly with limited fishing and improved habitat
Stacking up a clearer picture of the universe
'Tailing' spiny lobster larvae to protect them
Dangerous strains of E. coli may linger longer in water than benign counterparts, study finds
Study: Context crucial when it comes to mutations in genetic evolution
Warm ocean drives most Antarctic ice shelf loss, UC Irvine and others show
Study shows how diving mammals evolved underwater endurance
Jammed molecular motors may play a role in the development of ALS
Monell-led research identifies scent of melanoma