Archive of articles published on the 19th of June 2013
Voices may not trigger brain's reward centers in children with autism, Stanford/Packard study shows
Sound waves precisely position nanowires
The contribution of particulate matter to forest decline
Outlook is grim for mammals and birds as human population grows
Unusual supernova is doubly unusual for being perfectly normal
An environmentally friendly battery made from wood
Researchers report first entanglement between light and an optical atomic coherence
Mars had oxygen-rich atmosphere 4,000 million years ago
Scientists find new source of versatility so 'floppy' proteins can get things done
Cheap, color, holographic video
Biologists identify the chemical behind cancer resistance in naked mole rats
Metamorphosis of moon's water ice explained
Scientists date prehistoric bacterial invasion still present in today's cells
HIV-derived antibacterial shows promise against drug-resistant bacteria
Biological fitness trumps other traits in mating game
'Ugly' finding: Unattractive workers suffer more
Yield trends insufficient to double global crop production by 2050
Carbon nanotube harpoon catches individual brain-cell signals
New microfluidic chip can help identify unwanted particles in water and food