Archive of articles published on the 11th of July 2013
Same beat set to different tunes changes walkers' pace
Kids' allergies may correlate with omega-3, omega-6 lipid levels in cord blood
Sharks stun sardine prey with tail-slaps
Size matters for creatures of cold polar waters
Researchers set out path for global warming reversal
UK leads the way in race for new temperature definition
Trapping T-rays for better security scanners
Stellar monsters do not collide -- no hope for a spectacular catastrophe
New insight into the human genome through the lens of evolution
NASA Hubble finds a true blue planet
Solar tsunami used to measure Sun's magnetic field
Discovery of a strange new snow scorpionfly species in Alaska helped by Facebook
Memorial Sloan-Kettering researchers develop new method for tracking cell signaling
As ice cover disappears, life in the frigid Antarctic moves fast
Buying behavior can be swayed by cultural mindset
CASL milestone validates reactor model using TVA data
Distant quakes trigger tremors at US waste-injection sites, says study
Higher BMI increases risk of gallstones, especially in women
Hippo pathway to better cancer treatment?
Geothermal power facility induces earthquakes, study finds
Understanding bulls' gene-rich Y chromosomes may improve herd fertility
Snakes devour more mosquito-eating birds as climate change heats forests
Killer whale genetics: Redefining stock structure in a marine top predator
Nerves play key role in triggering prostate cancer and influencing its spread
Lionfish expedition: Down deep is where the big, scary ones live
Gene therapy using lentivirus promising in 3 youngsters