Archive of articles published on the 2nd of July 2013
Supersense: It's a snap for crocs
Scientists help explain visual system's remarkable ability to recognize complex objects
The ribosome -- a new target for antiprion medicines
'Modern slavery' in England is a prevalent problem
Cluster spacecraft detects elusive space wind
Fishing in the sea of proteins
Companies look at wrong things when using facebook to screen job applicants
Neighborhood residents with lowest incomes most likely to care about their communities
New hardware design protects data in the cloud
Joslin scientists find that salsalate lowers blood glucose in type 2 diabetes
Dissecting the distinctive walk of disease
A potentially life-saving protein takes shape
Listening to blood cells: Simple test could use sound waves for diagnosing blood-related diseases
How cancer spreads: Metastatic tumor a hybrid of cancer cell and white blood cell
GIS scientists discover molecular communication network in human stem cells
Greenhouse gas likely altering ocean foodchain
Invasive fly species continues to move northward
New catalyst could cut cost of making hydrogen fuel
Solving electron transfer
Breakthrough: Sensors monitor cells at work
IVF for male infertility linked to increased risk of intellectual disability and autism in children
Insecticide causes changes in honeybee genes, research finds
Don't judge by the looks: Molecular analysis reveals a new species of white toothed shrew
OU physicists develop rationale for the next-generation particle collider
Inflammation links social adversity and diabetes
Bat maps: The conservation crusade
Surviving fasting in the cold