Archive of articles published on the 29th of July 2013
Breakthrough in detecting DNA mutations could help treat tuberculosis, cancer
Borneo's orangutans are coming down from the trees
Mystery deepens in coffin-within-a-coffin found at Richard III site
Pushing microscopy beyond standard limits
Early exposure to insecticides gives amphibians higher tolerance later
NRL researchers discover novel material for cooling of electronic devices
Tetrapod nanocrystals light the way to stronger polymers
Like water for batteries
Cells move as concentration shifts
Of bears and berries: Return of wolves aids grizzly bears in Yellowstone
NASA's Chandra sees eclipsing planet in X-rays for first time
Evolution of monogamy in humans the result of infanticide risk
Experimental quest to test Einstein's speed limit
Hot flashes? Thank evolution
Mini-monsters of the forest floor
Computer scientists develop 'mathematical jigsaw puzzles' to encrypt software
Be happy: Your genes may thank you for it
Evolution of diverse sex-determining mechanisms in mammals
Social amoebae travel with a posse
How does hydrogen metallize?
Study looks beyond averages to track variability in a bacterial population
Ice-free Arctic winters could explain amplified warming during Pliocene
Antibiotic reduction campaigns do not necessarily reduce resistance