Archive of articles published on the 13th of August 2013
Canine distemper virus: An emerging disease in rare Amur tigers
Baby corals pass the acid test
A hypnotic suggestion can generate true and automatic hallucinations
Study finds 'ray' wings sold to consumers include vulnerable species & can be mislabeled
Enhancer RNAs may open new avenues for gene therapy
Mediterranean diet counteracts a genetic risk of stroke, study reports
Sugar is toxic to mice in 'safe' doses
Newly discovered 'switch' plays dual role in memory formation
New CU-Boulder led research effort dates oldest known petroglyphs in North America
Low-temperature combustion enables cleaner, more efficient engines
Urgent! How genes tell cellular construction crews, 'Read me now!'
Do conservation scientists work too hard?
Wireless devices go battery-free with new communication technique
Ecosystems change long before species are lost
DHA-enriched formula in infancy linked to positive cognitive outcomes in childhood
New compound prevents first steps of fungal infection
Computer model predicts red blood cell flow
Crowdsourcing weather using smartphone batteries
Researchers slow light to a crawl in liquid crystal matrix
Shortening tails gave early birds a leg up
University of Tennessee professors study dilemmas in sustaining red light camera programs
Scientists find asymmetry in topological insulators
UCSB anthropologists study testosterone spikes in non-competitive activities
Breaking up the superbugs' party
MRSA strain in humans originally came from cattle
A man's occupation linked to time spent on housework, study finds
Love and work don't always work for working class in America, study shows
Love and work don't always work for working class in America, study shows
Study challenges popular perception of new 'hookup culture' on college campuses