Archive of articles published on the 20th of August 2013
A home for the microbiome
The Vikings were not the first colonizers of the Faroe Islands
LSD and other psychedelics not linked with mental health problems
Researchers identify biomarkers for possible blood test to predict suicide risk
UCSB anthropologists study the genesis of reciprocity in food sharing
Dams destabilize river food webs: Lessons from the Grand Canyon
Mobius strip ties liquid crystal in knots to produce tomorrow's materials and photonic devices
Neurologists report unique form of musical hallucinations
'Groovy' hologram creates strange state of light
Epic ocean voyages of coral larvae revealed
3D graphene: Solar cells' new platinum?
New explanation for key step in anthrax infection proposed by NIST and USAMRIID
Ancient cycads found to be pre-adapted to grow in groves
Stabilizing aircraft during takeoff and landing using math