Archive of articles published on the 21st of August 2013
New theory points to 'zombie vortices' as key step in star formation
Honeyguide birds destroy own species' eggs to eliminate competition
Peering into the heart of aquatic embryo development
Human foot not as unique as originally thought
Hue of barn swallow breast feathers can influence their health, says study by CU-Boulder, Cornell
Study: Crocs eat fruit??
Physicists pinpoint key property of material that both conducts and insulates
Viewing Fukushima in the cold light of Chernobyl
Brain circuit can tune anxiety
Multiple genes manage how people taste sweeteners
After a fire, before a flood: NASA's Landsat directs restoration to at-risk areas
Rising mountains, cooling oceans prompted spread of invasive species 450 million years ago
UA astronomers take sharpest photos ever of the night sky
Tuberculosis genomes portray secrets of pathogen's success
MERS virus discovered in bat near site of outbreak in Saudi Arabia
High BPA levels in children associated with higher risk of obesity and abnormal waist circumference
New tests for determining health and environmental effects of nanomaterials
First scientific method to authenticate world's costliest coffee
A new gene-expression mechanism is a minor thing of major importance
Shorter working hours do not guarantee happier workers