Archive of articles published on the 6th of August 2013
The molecule 'scanner'
Salk scientists add new bond to protein engineering toolbox
Astronomers image lowest-mass exoplanet around a sun-like star
Distinct brain disorders biologically linked
Quantum communication controlled by resonance in 'artificial atoms'
New technique allows closer study of how radiation damages materials
A layer of tiny grains can slow sound waves
Dartmouth-led team discovers how plants avoid sunburn
Battery design gets boost from aligned carbon nanotubes
Family matters: Evolutionary relationships among species of 'magic' mushrooms shed light on fungi
High-speed camera captures dancing droplets for scientific 'photo album,' study
Explosion illuminates invisible galaxy in the dark ages
The sun's magnetic field is about to flip
Size matters in nanocrystals' ability to adsorb/release gases
First probable person to person transmission of new bird flu virus in China
Dolphins keep lifelong social memories, longest in a non-human species
New and remarkable details of the sun now available from NJIT's Big Bear Observatory