Archive of articles published on the 20th of September 2013
UCLA doctors successfully 'vacuum' 2-foot blood clot out of patient's heart
3 new species of tiny frogs from the remarkable region of Papua New Guinea
Densest array of carbon nanotubes grown to date
Promising new alloy for resistive switching memory
Tiger, lion and leopard genomes revealed assisting big cats' conservation
Mine metals at Maine Superfund site causing widespread contamination
Mayo Clinic researchers identify biomarker for smoker's lung cancer
Antibacterial products fuel resistant bacteria in streams and rivers
First real-time detector for IV delivered drugs may help eliminate life-threatening medical errors
Clues to the growth of the colossus in Coma
'Cascade of events' caused sudden explosion of animal life
Circadian clock is key to firing up cell's furnace
Stanford scientists reveal how beta-amyloid may cause Alzheimer's
Seismologists puzzle over largest deep earthquake ever recorded
Early to press means success
Virginia Tech scientists show why traumatized trees don't 'bleed' to death
New rat genus discovered in the birthplace of the theory of evolution