Archive of articles published on the 14th of January 2014
Mitochondrial genes matter!
Primates: Now with only half the calories!
First farmers and stockbreeders painted with the same pigments that their hunters ancestors
Bald reef gets new growth with seaweed transplant
T-cell research sheds light on why HIV can persist despite treatment
Little but lethal -- small RNAs coordinate bacterial attack on epithelial cells
A brief visit to a neighborhood induces the social attitudes of that neighborhood
What your candles and TV screen have in common
New test could simplify the diagnosis of coeliac disease
How fruit flies detect sweet foods
New research on sauropod gigantism summarized in publicly available collection
Americans with and without children at home report similar life satisfaction but more positive and negative emotions
UNC researchers harness sun's energy during day for use at night
Educated black men remembered as 'whiter'
Social experience drives empathetic, pro-social behavior in rats
Molecular nano-spies to make light work of disease detection
Do cultural differences determine outcome of our activities?
Cell division discovery could offer fresh insight into cancer