Archive of articles published on the 16th of January 2014
Heart attack damage slashed with microparticle therapy
5,900 natural gas leaks discovered under Washington, D.C.
Genes and calls reveal 5-fold greater diversity of Amazon frog species
Ramularia and the 4 Rs
DNA detectives able to 'count' thousands of fish using as little as a glass of water
Hugging hemes help electrons hop
Heavy drinking in middle age may speed memory loss by up to 6 years in men
Meltwater from Tibetan glaciers floods pastures
Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' corroborates theory of consciousness
The symphony of life, revealed
Understanding collective animal behavior may be in the eye of the computer
BYU's smart object recognition algorithm doesn't need humans
Researchers target sea level rise to save years of archaeological evidence
Does taking multiple medicines increase your risk of being admitted to hospital?
Silver nanowire sensors hold promise for prosthetics, robotics
Natural 3D counterpart to graphene discovered
Study shows elevated rates of inadequate pap tests in transgender men
Novel technology reveals aerodynamics of birds flying in a V-formation