Archive of articles published on the 8th of January 2014
An improved, cost-effective catalyst for water-splitting devices
Climate change: How does soil store CO2?
Improper use of biocides in food production may endanger public health
Suburban sprawl cancels carbon footprint savings of dense urban cores
Newly discovered celestial object defies categories
Geography has impact on grapevine moth's success in French vineyards
Penn biologists establish new method for studying RNA's regulatory 'footprint'
Temperature found to be most significant driver of the world's tallest trees
New phone alerts for extreme weather may prevent casualties in India
Elephant shark genome decoded
Study shows 'readability' scores are largely inaccurate
BOSS measures the universe to 1-percent accuracy
Organic mega flow battery promises breakthrough for renewable energy
Quasars illuminate swiftly swirling clouds around galaxies
Neuroscience study uncovers new player in obesity
Coral chemical warfare: Suppressing a competitor enhances susceptibility to a predator
Molecular engines star in new model of DNA repair
Study finds that information is as important as medication in reducing migraine pain
SURA reports findings from data management pilot