Archive of articles published on the 14th of October 2014
Balancing renewable energy costs
Bio-inspired 'nano-cocoons' offer targeted drug delivery against cancer cells
Chemical derived from broccoli sprouts shows promise in treating autism
Some sections of the San Andreas Fault system in San Francisco Bay Area are locked, overdue
Fly genome could help us improve health and our environment
New clues behind the resilience of a leading sexually transmitted pathogen, Chlamydia
New forecasting method: Predicting extreme floods in the Andes mountains
Light-activated drug could reduce side effects of diabetes medication
Rising sea levels of 1.8 meters in worst-case scenario
University of Leicester archaeologists discover bronze remains of Iron Age chariot
Swiss scientists explain evolution of extreme parasites
Study: Only 58 percent of votes cast on tamper-resistant systems counted
University of Tennessee study finds crocodiles are sophisticated hunters
Size of minority population impacts states' prison rates, Baker Institute researcher finds
New light on the 'split peak' of alcohols
Unique catalysts for hydrogen fuel cells synthesized in ordinary kitchen microwave oven
Earliest-known lamprey larva fossils unearthed in Inner Mongolia
Discovery of cellular snooze button advances cancer and biofuel research
Taking infestation with a grain of salt
Scientists create new protein-based material with some nerve