Archive of articles published on the 15th of October 2014
Discovery of the Benešov meteorites 20 years after the bolide event
New 'tree of life' traces evolution of a mysterious cotinga birds
Rediscovering Venus to find faraway earths
MAVEN's first look at Mars holds surprises, says CU-Boulder mission leader
Millennials uneducated on important clothing care skills, MU study finds
New sequencing reveals genetic history of tomatoes
Dinosaur breathing study shows that noses enhanced smelling and cooled brain
Earth's magnetic field could flip within a human lifetime
How the fruit fly could help us sniff out drugs and bombs
Past climate change and continental ice melt linked to varying CO2 levels
Teens' science interest linked with knowledge, but only in wealthier nations
New way of syncing music to video will revolutionize TV ads
Climate change not responsible for altering forest tree composition
Researchers turn to 3-D technology to examine the formation of cliffband landscapes
Hydraulic fracturing linked to earthquakes in Ohio
NASA study finds 1934 had worst drought of last thousand years
Drexel study questions 21-day quarantine period for Ebola