Archive of articles published on the 30th of October 2014
CU Denver study says upgrading infrastructure could reduce flood damage
Planck 2013 results
Nestling birds struggle in noisy environments
Gentle caffeine boost for premature babies
BGI Tech and Hebei Agricultural University complete the genome sequencing of the jujube tree
Scientists rank thousands of substances according to potential exposure level
Why plants don't get sunburn
Microrockets fueled by water neutralize chemical and biological warfare agents
Cinema-like environment helps audiences immerse in movies even on small screens & displays
A mechanism that allows a differentiated cell to reactivate as a stem cell revealed
Supersonic laser-propelled rockets
NIST 'combs' the atmosphere to measure greenhouse gases
Clean smell doesn't always mean clean air
Tiny carbon nanotube pores make big impact
Teeth, sex and testosterone reveal secrets of aging in wild mouse lemurs
Scientists generate first human stomach tissue in lab with stem cells
Scripps Research Institute scientists make enzyme that could help explain origins of life
First detailed picture of a cancer-related cell enzyme in action on a chromosome unit
Plump turtles swim better: First models of swimming animals