Archive of articles published on the 7th of October 2014
Study: Workplace diversity can help the bottom line
China's economic boom thwarts its carbon emissions goals
Natural gene selection can produce orange corn rich in provitamin A for Africa, US
Are leaders born or made? New study shows how leadership develops
High-sugar diet no problem for genetic mutants
First-ever global life cycle assessment of renewable energy future
A warm dark matter search using XMASS: Editors' suggestion of Physical Review Letters
World's first child born after uterus transplantation
Printing in the hobby room: Paper-thin and touch-sensitive displays on various materials
New technique allows scientists to find rare stem cells within bone marrow
New genetic variants associated with coffee drinking
Acknowledging appearance reduces bias when beauties apply for masculine jobs, says CU-led study
Testosterone promotes prostate cancer in rats
Sharing makes both good and bad experiences more intense
Closing the gap: Extreme desert gecko spotted on salt-flats in central Oman
Back off: Female chimps stressed out by competing suitors