Archive of articles published on the 1st of December 2014
New electrolyte for the construction of magnesium-sulfur batteries
Scanning tunneling microscopy: Computer simulations sharpen insights into molecules
Bitter food but good medicine from cucumber genetics
Researchers use 3-D printing to guide human face transplants
Politics, not severe weather, drive global-warming views
Ground-based detection of super-Earth transit achieved
Physicists create new kind of pasta to explain mysterious, ring-shaped polymers
Revolutionizing genome engineering
UGA study finds it's mean boys, not mean girls, who rule at school
Mass extinction led to many new species of bony fish
Fighting malnutrition with a 'stronger' chickpea
New research highlights the key role of ozone in climate change
Can cockpit automation cause pilots to lose critical thinking skills? Research says yes
Research finds clue to why females live longer than males
Institute of Food Research announces test for horse meat
Natural 'high' could avoid chronic marijuana use
High school football players show brain changes after one season