Archive of articles published on the 17th of December 2014
Can returning crops to their wild states help feed the world?
Introverts could shape extroverted co-workers' career success, OSU study shows
Probing bacterial resistance to a class of natural antibiotics
Syracuse biologist reveals how whales may 'sing' for their supper
More than half of all children in the US will likely live with an unmarried mother
Kids' cartoon characters twice as likely to die as counterparts in films for adults
Study reveals abundance of microplastics in the world's deep seas
Herd mentality: Are we programmed to make bad decisions?
Unraveling the light of fireflies
Bugs life: The nerve cells that make locusts 'gang up'
NTU Singapore invents smart window that tints and powers itself
Better focus at the micro world: A low-budget focus stacking system for mass digitization
Asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs may have nearly knocked off mammals, too
Global carbon dioxide emissions increase to new all-time record, but growth is slowing down
North Atlantic signalled Ice Age thaw 1,000 years before it happened, reveals new research
New Notre Dame paper offers novel insights into pathogen behavior
Study finds that employees who are open about religion are happier
Guelph researchers recipe: Cook farm waste into energy
New class of synthetic molecules mimics antibodies
Even in restored forests, extreme weather strongly influences wildfire's impacts
Contrasting views of kin selection assessed
Scientists open new frontier of vast chemical 'space'
Ancient, hydrogen-rich waters discovered deep underground at locations around the world
Colorado River Delta greener after engineered pulse of water
Australia's coastal observation network may aid in understanding of extreme ocean events
Short-necked Triassic marine reptile discovered in China
NOAA/NASA satellite sees holiday lights brighten cities
Lens-free microscope can detect cancer at the cellular level
Surprising theorists, stars within middle-aged clusters are of similar age
Policy action urgently needed to protect Hawaii's dolphins
NASA satellites measure increase of Sun's energy absorbed in the Arctic
'Perfect storm' quenching star formation around a supermassive black hole
Switching to spintronics