Archive of articles published on the 12th of March 2014
Penn researchers model a key breaking point involved in traumatic brain injury
Speed trap for fish catches domestic trout moving too slow
Statins may lower blood clot risk following joint replacement surgery
California and Arizona amaze with 2 new species of desert poppy
Time versus money? Placing a value on buyer's remorse
Soil microbes shift as shrubs invade remnant hill prairies
Dynamic stressing of a global system of faults results in rare seismic silence
NREL examines solar policy pathways for states
Ocean food web is key in the global carbon cycle
Scientists 'herd' cells in new approach to tissue engineering
Acoustic cloaking device hides objects from sound
Long-term warming likely to be significant despite recent slowdown
Giving dangerous employees socialization, close supervision can avoid problems
First thin films of spin ice reveal cold secrets
What's the upside of feeling too sad for chocolate?